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Assorted Crystals

Reiki and Energy Healings

Reiki and Energy healings are an alternative medicine that work with the energy bodies in the body. Spiritual, mental, emotional, and sometimes physical healing is achieved using a palm healing technique to infuse energy into the chakras and aura.

There are three different types of energies that can be used in energy healings; Ashati, Alsemia and Reiki. These energies can assist the body when dealing with things such as stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and pain.

During energy healings I use intuitively chosen crystals by my clients as well as essential oils, aura sprays, colour therapy and oracle cards to understand what is happening energetically and to help cleanse and clear the body to promote healing.


1 hr, 15min regular in person session - $70

1hr, 15 min distance reiki session - $60

More options available on the bookings page

Card Readings

Intuitive Tarot and
Oracle Card Readings

Tarot and Oracle Cards and a fantastic divination tool that help to tap into your own inner wisdom and guidance. We can tailor make a reading to best suit any questions you have or guidance you are seeking around making decisions, understanding situations or exploring relationships. 


15 mins - one question $30

30 mins - two questions $60

45 mins - extended $80

Tarot Cards and Crystals
New Moon Full Moon
Full Moon

New Moon and Full Moon Readings

Working with the moon cycles is a great way to set goals, manifest and reflect on your progress. Using your astrological birth chart we can tailor make a reading to help you work towards your goals.


30 mins - $45


Astrology Birth Chart

You will receive a printed copy of your birth chart and a brief description of your top 3; Sun, Moon and Rising Signs.


20 mins - $30

Zodiac signs inside of horoscope circle. Astrology in the sky with many stars and moons  a
Dowsing Pendulum over Tarot

Tarot and Oracle Card

Birthday’s / Hens Parties / Friday Night Cocktails…

+ cards!


$20 per head for 15 minute readings. Opportunity for individuals to extend their readings to 30 mins, for an additional $20 each.


4 people - 1 hour - $80

6 people - 1 hour 30 mins - $120

8 people - 2 hours - $160

10 people - 2 hours 30 mins - $200

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